Monday, March 14, 2011

Important revelations in horseback riding

Here is eventing boiled down into it's purest form. With these three revelations, the rest of this sport just comes together.

1. Dressage is hard
2. Brakes are important
3. Horses need a lot of stuff

Revelation one and two are the end result of my dressage lesson tonight. After the jumping excitement I specifically went into my lesson asking for exercises to teach me to put my leg on regardless of the temper tantrum and acceleration that might be going on. Like many TBs, the princess has taught me to take my leg off.

The second revelation came with the first one. If I can't stop, then I can't ride because I'll be preoccupied with 'where are the brakes on this thing?!'. It's hard to ride like that.

And the third revelation comes as I prepare to head off to vacation. I've never packed a horse for a two week trip before, and the amount of stuff she needs is simply amazing. I'm going to need a second trailer spot just to haul all of the stuff! Where did it all come from? Did I really buy all of this? What could a herbivore that grows her own clothing possibly need with all of this?!

We need blankets and boots and bits and bridles and bangles and bippity boppity boo. She'll be out 24/7, so a full collection of blankets is necessary. This will be our first real cross country schooling experiences, so extra bits and sturdy boots are essential. With my dressage saddle out at least I'm only shipping one set of tack. I'm trying to compress everything down so that my stuff takes up less room than my horse. I feel like I personally can throw a change of clothes in a bag and go, but Fiona requires an entourage to transport her and her equipment.

Tomorrow the princess gets the day off and I'll go on my last minute shopping frenzy. It's warm in Aiken, so I'll need some new spring time riding apparel. And if I happen to find a saddle pad in pretty pastels, I'm sure my trainer will be just thrilled to see us in it. A bright pink should be very eye catching on my red mare.

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