Sunday, July 21, 2024

Darth Theo

 I've finally got video of my Second Level freestyle!  The music is still a little hard to hear but it's the best we've managed.

I'm proud of this test.  It's organized, it's forward, it looks comfortable.  Considering we had to stand in the ingate for 15 minutes due to technical issues with the sound system, he did an amazing job to march in and drag me around. He was so forward in his first medium canter we ended up ahead of the music, wheeee!  He wasn't giving me good simple changes which is usually a high point for him but the counter canters were rock solid.  67% and qualified for regionals.

Now Theo gets two months off.  His next scheduled outing is regionals.  He's earned 8 weeks of relaxation after that marathon.  

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